Terms & Conditions


We try to ensure that information on our websites is accurate, complete and up-to-date. In using our websites, however, you agree to be bound by the Terms & Conditions, which take effect on the date when you first use the website.


By accessing www.retro.raleigh.co.uk and the other Raleigh official websites or any of their web pages, you unconditionally agree to the terms of this Copyright Statement and as they may be modified and/or supplemented without prior notice to you. Please, check this webpage regularly for any modifications and/or supplements which may be made.

All the contents included in www.reto.raleigh.co.uk and the other Raleigh official websites, including web pages, texts, images, pictures, videos, music, sounds, drawings, figures, logos, graphics, colours and layout (hereinafter, the “Content”) are the sole property of RALEIGH UK LTD and are protected by national and international Copyright laws and other Intellectual Property Rights. You are strictly forbidden to reproduce, publish, distribute, display, modify, create derivative work from, or exploit such Content in any way, in whole or in part, without the prior and express written consent of RALEIGH UK LTD.

RALEIGH UK LTD shall have the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit in its sole discretion any commercial use, reproduction, publication, distribution, display, modification, creation of derivative work from, or exploitation – in whole or in part – of the Content, unless otherwise indicated for stand-alone materials.

RALEIGH UK LTD shall have the right, at any time, to claim the ownership and the authorship of any Content posted on www.retro.raleigh.co.uk and the other Raleigh official websites and to object to any use, distortion or other modification thereof.

Any reproduction, publication, distribution, display, modification, creation of derivative work from, or exploitation in any way of the Content with the express and written authorization of RALEIGH UK LTD shall be carried out by you for lawful purposes only and in compliance with all the applicable laws.


The terms and conditions shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of England and we both irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.


If any part of the terms and conditions shall be deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed to be severable from the terms and conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions of the terms and conditions.


By submitting an image and story to the Hall of Fame you accept that they will be used across Raleigh’s online platforms, social media, and email channels without further approval or payment for the use of content.

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